Movement Compositions

Movement compositions explore different ways of seeing and interacting with our environment. Some compositions depict several attempts of a single line. Others depict different lines through a single environment. All compositions were shot with one camera. This often forced me to perform the same line several times.

Stanford Rails

Ascending and descending the same rail structure. Compared to round rails, rectangular rails are harder to land on but easier to traverse over. This is because round rails provide a better angled surface to push into when landing, but less surface area on top for stepping.

Stanford Rails 2

Progression towards a deceptively technical rail sequence. This line involves two precision jumps where the landing surface is perpendicular to the takeoff surface. On a standard precision jump, where the landing surface is parallel to the takeoff surface, you can exhaust excess jump force by pushing perpendicularly into the landing surface. When your jump force is parallel to the landing (as is the case here), you can only rely on the friction between your shoe and the rail to exhaust excess force.

The top right panel shows the result of an overshoot. Notice how my excess momentum carries me along the rail.

The bottom left panel shows the result of an undershoot. This is actually my favorite panel in this composition - it is by far my best recorded instance of ukemi. I was entirely uninjured after this fall.

Berkeley Library

Progression towards my first double a-twist line on concrete.


A collection of shots from my trip to Atlanta, featuring a picture of a grasshopper that appeared at one of the spots.


A collection of shots from several training sessions in Pittsburgh. Photo and video credit for the front flip gap to Trey Voelker.